Friday, January 4, 2008

Recap on Preparations for Christmas and Christmas

So I didn't take too many pictures over the Christmas holiday, but I think I snapped some shots of some of the main events that took place around here before Christmas day came. On the 15th we did manage to take the time early in the morning to go up to Smith's Mesa and hunt for a better tree than what we had. It was the kind of tree that you just giggled and laughed at every time you sat down in front of it, all because you just couldn't help it when you saw it. Anyway the hunt was kind of fun as I don't think I have ever been on a Christmas tree hunt before. It is not exactly as I would have imagined it to be though. I would have thought us to have to get bundled up in snow gear and trudge through feet of snow to find one. This hunt consisted of driving in the warm truck (no complaints there) and looking out the window as we drove up the winding dirt road, noticing a tree that could be a possibility but then driving by it and realizing the gaping hole on the other side of it or that it was two trees forming the perfect tree. After arriving up on top of the Mesa on to the Stout family property and driving back in a ways, then getting out and walking around through sage brush and a few patches of snow, then we pulled out the DeWalt saw, not those old fashioned saws, and cut it down. It took about 2 hours for the excursion and we were able to get it back to the house and set it up, then head out to the flat for the next event of helping to cut up a cow.

As you can see from our tree hunt and the cow experience, Tarek was visiting for the weekend and joined in on the fun. This picture was the only one I could find to post that hopefully wouldn't disgust anyone as I still cannot stomach the scene that takes place in the beginning process and had to send Crystal down to get a few pictures of the guys during their bonding time. I am improving as I actually helped wrap and label the meat, but during the Tyson pregnancy I exchanged some babysitting for Heidi's twins while she did my part. There's just something about the scene and the smell while being pregnant that is pretty much unbearable.

As for Christmas eve we gathered out at the flat with all the family that were in town and joined together for the traditional dinner meal, that was really yummy, attempted the chimes to Christmas songs and did improve by the end, and this year Phyllis had the returned missionaries share any experiences they could remember during Christmas time on the missions that testified of Jesus Christ. Of course we had to pull out the donkey head used for the manger scene in memory of Ben, as he was the donkey every year and is spending his last Christmas serving a faithful mission in Eugene, Oregon. So I took out the camera just to take this picture for you Ben.

Christmas morning was cold, but as usual it was not a white Christmas here. We woke up early and headed out to the flat with our gifts for each other and those we had for Christmas this year in the family. These pictures are of Tyson in his "Where's Waldo" pajamas and Adam after eating breakfast. Even though it was a pretty mellow morning due to the youngest being Tyson and Marshall not really knowing what we were doing and the next youngest from them being Jared, who is now a chilled Young Man, it was still very nice and we all were able to sit on couches. The little things we are grateful for. It was fun to see what everyone gave to each other and to have the time to relate the gift giving and joy to the most precious and best gift of all in our lives, the birth and life of Jesus Christ. What a blessing!

The rest of the week posed some challenges with working on roofs, especially those in the mountains, so Adam had an extended vacation, which I tried to let him enjoy in doing whatever he wanted. This last picture is one that I came upon while checking on Tyson "Where's Waldo" and just when I thought I was going to have to make the rounds again to locate him, I found him safely secure holding Adam's head in his lap and as you can tell from the picture it was like a search for "Waldo" in Phyllis and Wynn's room as there were many people gathered watching a country western. And of course it's always good when brothers get together. How Stuart, Adam, and Sheldon managed to squeeze onto that bed with Sara Ann about to fall off the other side is a wonder, but still a good picture moment.