This always seems to be a great weekend as family get together for easter egg hunts, picnics, bbqs and just spending time outdoors. As for a few happenings to recap the week I am now at my weekly appts. and found out last Monday that I am dialated 1 cm. The time is getting closer and I'm about as prepared for a new baby now as I was a month ago (which is basically not saying much). I've been very busy with the every day happenings in life. Monday I also put some time towards analyzing our wheat supply as the word was going around of a price increase this past week. It worked out great as we had already made our house payment and I could put some money towards getting a year supply in buckets for the three of us. I know I need to still prepare more for others around us as well. I was telling my mother-in-law that it has been a little discouraging because I have felt for a long time the need to have food storage and have really wanted to, however after all the bills are paid for and not even entertaining the personal wants or extras, I never seem to have enough to get even the smallest amount to start with. I feel that we are just getting to the point financially that we can set money aside for that purpose and I am very excited about that. Thursday, we watched the twins for Heidi and it was cute to watch them and Tyson standing at the window watching the neighbor girls. Whoever was standing in the middle of the threesome would put their arms around the two on either side of them and then they would all start jumping up and down. It was fun to watch them together. Saturday morning we headed over to Snow Canyon high school to watch Dwayne's b-ball game (he is a guy that Adam baptized on the mission). I videotaped it for Dwayne and gave it to him when him and some friends came over to Stuart's Sunday for Lizzy's b-day. After the game on Saturday we went over to Shelley's inlaws and had a bbq/easter egg hunt since it was really windy and miserable in Hurricane and on Smiths Mesa. We did a little easter egg hunt for Tyson after church on Sunday in our yard of dirt, mostly so I could get pictures since my camera ran out of space yesterday. It was a great Easter Sunday.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Weekend
Posted by LaRae at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Random Sand Dune Trip
This past week was different as Tarek came last Sunday night and stayed until Thursday morning. It was fun to have him around and I've noticed that it does make us get out and do more than we normally would. I'm sure he gets tired of waiting around for us, but he practices patience. Last Sunday was Adam's mom's birthday, so we went out to the flat and ate a yummy dinner that her and Heidi had made. I also tried to make a cake mix with the variation that you sometimes find on the side of the box realizing that I actually had most everything except the sour cream, so I mixed and prepared the ingredients at our house then took my mini bosch mixer over there and used Phyllis' sour cream. Everybody seamed to like, so I may try that again sometime. We had an enjoyable evening visiting with everyone. Monday night I planned for us all to go over and pick pecans up off the ground from Adam's aunt Angelyn's trees. She wasn't going to get to them this year, so we thought it would work well for getting us out and doing something as well as gathering some food storage. Caleb and Tippy joined us as Stephanie was still sick. When she had made it over the following day and Tippy was pointing out our buckets of pecans, Stephanie asked, "What are you going to do with those?" I replied, "WE are all going to crack, shell, and then store them." She got a laugh out of that comment. I just have to get a nutcracker and then we will be on our way...I hope! Wednesday afternoon I talked Adam into changing his work plans a little, by taking Tarek, Tyson, and I with him to St. George to drop off a flatbed trailer for one of the suppliers to load with tile, then to go do an estimate, and then go with us to see my dad's cousin Byron (shown in picture) and his wife Barbara as they were visiting there son in the area. Their son, Mike, had been wanting Adam to take a look at his skylights and a few broken tile, so we had a short great visit and Adam was able to get those few work things done. We couldn't stay very long as we had to get back over to the supplier to pick up the trailer before they closed. On our way home Tarek was asking Adam what he thought about still going and riding four wheelers and by the time we arrived home the plans had changed from the boys going riding to all of us girls coming along, when
Jaymie (Adam's partner Matt's wife) didn't want to spend another night home and Matt told her to meet up with the boys in the sandrail, to which she didn't want to go by herself and when the invitation came for me to come along I accepted as long as it wouldn't put me into labor. I'm not quite ready to have this boy a month early. So Susie came and it took some talking to get Stephanie to come and all the kids. We had fun with the exception of waiting a little too long for the boys to show up as they managed to get lost and none of us having had any dinner, but the sand dunes are always pretty and it was something Stephanie and Caleb hadn't seen yet. Friday, I put one thing on my list to absolutely get done and that was to clean inside and wash the outside of Adam's truck. It did take me from around 10 am (by the time Tyson woke up and ate breakfast) until 3:30 when I headed to the car wash. Of course I had interruptions throughout, but that's about all I accomplished. I did get over to Heidi's to help her put on a quilt to be tied and trace some squares for the jean quilt I am trying to make for Adam for camping. It's been a busy week and I would imagine it will only get busier as I'm aching to sort and clean areas that have gathered stuff and been neglected. Adam was a great help to take care of the laundry room yesterday morning and to move a few things out of the office as I tackled that area. I'll work my way around the house, so we'll see how it goes.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Finally, A Fun Weekend

Posted by LaRae at 4:01 PM 0 comments