...a new truck! That is what Adam and his partner did most of their day yesterday, was purchase a brand new '08 Ford F-350 Truck. They have had to do quite a bit of explaining to many people, but when it comes down to it it will fulfill the needs that the company has and best of all it will pay for itself. Adam's old truck has been sitting in a shop for a week now and neither him or his partner have time to work on it and figure out what is going on or the shop guy of where it is at. The phrase "Time is Money" definitely fits in in Adam's situation. Adam's older brother was
asking me yesterday what I thought of it and my thought was that I barely saw it, haven't ridden in it, and best of all Adam warned me not to hit it when I backed out of the garage and my smart remark was, "Then don't park behind me!" This afternoon Susie, Tyson, and I went to the nearby airport to join in in welcoming home Adam's cousin, Taylor. It's always fun to see relatives and get together for such an enjoyable homecoming. Yesterday we slowly cleaned the house in spurts and oddly enough Tyson took a 3 hour nap on the bean bag. He actually enjoys this bag very much as he uses it to play on, climb on, nap on, and even run to and plop himself down on face first while throwing a fit. I think it is a prop for his dramatic tantrums, but yet it is soft enough it won't hurt him.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Posted by LaRae at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Visitor
Tonight we had a surprise visitor, Crystal, Adam's younger sister. She was over our way and stopped in. Apparently she won't have much of a social life as tomorrow she starts her new job as a waitress and is taking quite a few credits at school. We coaxed her into staying for spaghetti dinner and had a great evening as her, Daniel, and Adam reminisced about old family traveling times. Tyson wasn't much for company as he was cranky, tired, and hungry and in no mood to wait for the spaghetti to be ready, so he fell asleep and Crystal had to enjoy loves from him that way.
Posted by LaRae at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Visiting
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I Told You So
Quite some time ago I recall asking Adam if we should change our HVAC filters and the reply being "No, those don't need changed for a long time". Realizing now that that was just a copout. A couple of weeks ago we came home from church and noticed some farely large bubbles of paint down our garage wall and then after poking a hole in those and water draining out we went inside to the laundry room and noticed a huge sag in a section of the ceiling. We figured that there must have been something wrong with our air conditioner. Adam finally got around to calling a guy in our ward that specializes in HVAC and he suggested that we check our filters as they could be full and causing condensation to collect, which in turn could be causing our paint bubbles/sagging ceiling problem. Adam got home this afternoon and climbed up onto our landing area and sure enough the filters were way overdue for a change. You can guess what I said after that. While Adam was up there, Tyson kept holding his hands out to Adam, wanting to go up there so we hoisted him up and after walking one way he was ready to get down after there wasn't anywhere else to go.
Posted by LaRae at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adam
Monday, August 20, 2007
Another Week Re-cap
Time just flies by. This past week we took a short trip a little more north. My cousin, Sara Ruth was sealed Thursday morning in the Provo temple so Susie, Tyson, and I went up early that morning. After the sealing we went to the lunch and then that evening went to the celebration at the Nielson's Grove Park, which is very neat looking for a park. Great place for a celebration. We were able to spend the afternoon with our brother, Vaughn and met up with Sheldon, Sara Ann, and Marshall at the celebration. Tyson loved dancing to the music and is very entertaining to watch. Friday morning we hung around our sister-in-law's house (Angelyn and Dave) and mostly relaxed then headed towards Provo so Susie could get her haircut from
Adam's cousin, Alana.
While she did that I went and visited Natalie Rogers (Saunders) and was able to see their new baby boy. Susie and I stopped by The Smokehouse (wonderful food) and ordered out some beef brisket and potatoes for Adam and Daniel as they were headed our way. They wanted to watch the 2nd Harry Potter movie, so we rented that for them which took up the rest of the night. Saturday morning Daniel and Adam got up at 3:30 a.m. and headed to Rexburg to pick up the rest of Susie and Daniel's stuff and to load up his truck that had
the transmission go out on it a couple weeks ago. They were definitely loaded down when they came back, which was around 4 p.m. Adam got a nap in before we went to one of his mission companion's wedding reception that luckily wasn't far from Angelyn's. We then met back at Angelyn's house and went to an Asian Buffet with them, Sheldon and Sara Ann, Sondra, Crystal, Daniel and Susie. It was a fun time as we left Tyson this time to be watched. It made me a little nervous, but I know I need to do it more. Everyone met back at Angelyn's house and visited the rest of the evening. Sara and Adam were also there when we came back. We woke up early Sunday morning and headed back home. We didn't have church until 1 p.m. so Adam was able to rest a little. It was a fun relaxing weekend.
Posted by LaRae at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Trip
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Watching the Twins
This morning Heidi brought Erika and Emily over for Susie and I to take care of while she had some errands to run. Tyson was pretty excited to have some playmates over. They played well for the most part which was kind of surprising since the twins usually gang up on Tyson and get the better of him. Tyson was good to share his toys, which the girls seemed to be more interested in than Tyson has been lately. We turned on music for all of them to dance to and that was pretty entertaining for us to watch. Actually I found myself getting dizzy because the girls dance by spinning in circles for a long time. Tyson does more of the head banging thing. After Heidi picked them up, Susie and I finished cleaning the house and getting everything ready to go to Provo/Highland for the rest of the week.
Posted by LaRae at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cousins
Monday, August 13, 2007
It's been another week without me blogging, so this will be a catch up post. Last Thursday night, after dinner, Adam took me out to Dairy Queen for ice cream. It has been a very long time since we have gone out by ourselves...so long that it felt a little weird. The funny part was that neither of us were in the mood for ice cream, but I wasn't about to ruin Adam's idea for going out. We then went out to the flat to fuel up his truck so that we could head out early Friday morning towards Bryce Canyon. Skyline Roofing had a job out there at the Pines Restaurant to do, so we hung out there, stayed the night, and headed back home Saturday afternoon. This is the second time I have been out that way and not made it to Bryce Canyon. A
fter arriving home I gave Adam his haircut and Tyson got his from Adam. We headed to the County Fair, ate some navajo tacos, walked around the booths, and made sure to get good seats for the Demolition Derby and Rock Crawl showing. Adam and I have decided that this type of outing is not for Tyson as it was pretty hot out and he just wanted to keep going outside whenever we were in a building and any time the cars would smash into each other he would start crying and was basically scared the whole time. We're thinking of just making two trips next year. Once for Tyson, the second for just Adam and myself.
Posted by LaRae at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The DeJaVue Week
Since the last post a week ago, we have had quite a bit happen this week that makes me feel like it was the same week three weeks ago. I think this time I will get a recap as I ran out of discs for taking pictures and the circumstances at the time were not exciting, but more of a scare for Adam and I.
Wednesday: Tyson slept well, but around 5:30 he gave out a cry and Adam found him having fallen off his bed. He brought him in with us and he slept fine the rest of the morning. Around 9 am shortly after Tyson woke up and had his diaper changed he started breathing weird (sounded like short huffy breathes). It lasted for a short time and I got him a bottle thinking that maybe he was just crying for a bottle. I did decide to give him a portion of his breathing treatment, which he had finished a series of three weeks ago. It didn't seem to do much for him but he seemed alright a short time later and was off to play with his toys. After we ate breakfast he just wanted me to be right there by him and I found him coming to me again with the same breathing condition. I didn't know what else I could do and I could tell he was in pain as he would shift from one sitting position to another, crying the whole time, and not able to get comfortable. I called the pediatrician's office and informed them of his morning in which they asked me to bring him in right away. I did and on our way there he fell asleep and I could not wake him by the shake of his foot or yelling out his name. After arriving at the Pediatrician's office he was completely fine again and I thought that the Ped. would think I was making it all up or overexaggerating, but before she came in to see him he started his breathing thing again. She walked by our open door and heard him, then came in and watched him. When it was all over he was out of it again. After a few other maneurisms she said that she thinks he has been having seizures especially from what she just witnessed. I'm just glad that she was able to see what she had seen. I agreed that it could be something like that out of the ordinary of his routine. She ordered a CAT scan of his head and that he be admitted to the hospital. This time I drove him over and we were put in the pediatric unit again. This time Adam was able to come right away and meet us there, which I was a little demanding in because I just didn't know how I could handle all of this again. I requested that they try his feet first for putting in the IV, which they were able to get the first time. Aside from all the normal procedures of hooking him up to monitors he had an EEG test done that evening, which is where they put 24 wires all over his head and get a reading of his brain wave activity. Luckily and unfortunately Tyson did not have any visible signs of a seizure/episode the rest of the time we were there.
Thursday: The night at the hospital went fine. Tyson was a tough child to share a hospital bed with. He began to get excited and ready to venture out in the halls. I waited all morning as usual for him to be discharged after his Ped. came by to check on his status. Once again you would not have thought that the day before he was having problems. A friend picked us up and we ran a few errands with them. We were exhausted after getting home and I very much so wanted a nap, but Tyson was glad to be home too. The rest of the evening went well.
Friday: Tyson slept in our bed. We woke up at 2:30 to him having another breathing episode (seizure). It ended up being a long morning as everything continued on until around 5:30 p.m. Basically from 2:30-6:30 a.m., Adam and I rotated standing up with Tyson trying to comfort him while he experienced the semi-seizures varying in length from less than 1 min. to 8 min. at less than 1 min. to 25 min. intervals. We knew that taking him to the emergency room would not do any good, but when we wondered about his hydration level we decided to take him in for that. I asked the guy at the emergency room entrance what he thought and he said that between then and 1 1/2 hours later (which is when the Ped.'s office opened) Tyson would not get dehydrated. So I walked around outside with him the rest of the morning until the Ped's office opened. The assistants there called his Ped. and she instructed them to give him Motrin, which calmed him down and allowed him to sleep. When the Ped made it in she checked him over and tried to get his EEG results from Salt Lake. From what his Ped. relayed to Primary Children's they suggested that she treat him for seizures and not wait for the results. Once again in her office Tyson woke up and was fine and ready to go, running up and down the hall. After getting home and giving him the medication we picked up, we found that it was not helping and he was still having episodes so after calling the Ped's office again she ordered another medication for me to pick up. It seemed to help a little better, but he was having high fevers getting up to 105 degrees. At this time his Ped told me that he must be having a virus that is causing a fever, which is causing the seizures. We worked to get the fever down with rotating tylenol and motrin and once that worked its course he no longer experienced the seizures.
Saturday: Tyson had a great night with Adam and I getting up every 3 hours to rotate the motrin and tylenol. He was ready to take on the day from the time he got up. The funny thing was to watch Tyson trying to walk as he was very crooked and acting like it was his first time walking. Adam and I had to switch off staying by his side as we didn't want him to fall and hit his head. We went out to the shop for Adam to do maintenance on his truck. Tyson finally reached a point that he could walk by himself without being too wobbly. We took it easy for the night after getting the house cleaned up for Sunday.
Sunday: Once again we had another great night and are hoping it will continue. Daniel and Susie pulled in at 2:30 this morning and will be staying with us for a while. Adam started feeling sick last night so he will stay home with Tyson from church. I've heard of others having fevers and sicknesses so there may be something going around. I'm grateful to not be dealing with it myself right now.
Posted by LaRae at 6:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: Tyson